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Achievement: Railroad Model Craftsman Oct 2007

The Four County Society of Model Engineers appeared in an article by Keith Albright and Karl Bond titled "Modular railroading with the Four County Society of Model Engineers; A look at one club's experience with modular railroading."  The article is an excellent overview of modular railroading.  It discusses the history of the FCSME club; advantages of modular railroading (size and space, speed of construction, cost, variable layout, being part of a group, wiring and DCC, moving); selecting a club; possible disadvantages of modular layouts (disjointed scenes, wildly different scenery techniques) and how to overcome them (standards, review boards); other limitations (like seams between modules, duck unders, shallow scene depth), construction; storage and transportation; operations; and group dynamics.

The article is ten full pages long and is supplemented with 18 photographs.  The photos show modules by Karl Bond (5), Bill Carl (4), Keith Albright (2), Bob Mott (2), Bryce Workman (1), the walk though, and three various transport systems (Walt, Karl, and Ken).  One of the photos is taken from a more distant "visitor's perspective" and shows members using the NCE system to drive a train through the inside corner and Keith Albright's module.  Five of the layout photos show the edge of the module giving an excellent idea of how they look at a show. The article begins on page 48.

Railroad Model Craftsman Oct 2007 Cover